Why does Moses get the limelight?
A friend of mine asked me last year, ‘Why is Moses in Exodus?’. It may sound like a strange question, but he had a point – the LORD is the great rescuer of the Exodus (or at least that is the way later Old Testament books tend to look back on it). Yet when you read Exodus itself, Moses seems to take centre stage for much of the narrative. For example, my first blog highlighted how five chapters of the book are devoted to setting him up as the rescuer the people need. So, why does he get so much air time? Why can’t the LORD just be the hero of Exodus and do all of the rescuing? Why is Moses set up as the rescuer of the people, and not God alone? This blog aims to answer that question (at least in part). Moses – terrifying when he is against you The answer will be the story of two ‘three days’. The first comes in chapter 10 of Exodus. The evil, proud, God-opposing Pharaoh of Egypt refused to let Israel leave the nation where they are slaves. Consequently, the nation has been br...